Balancing in India's geopolitical policies

Document Type : علمی -پژوهشی


1 دانشیار جغرافیای سیاسی دانشگاه شهید بهشتی

2 دانشجو



Geographical locations when to the political actors desirable that in terms of value (Political, economic, geostrategic and geopolitical); be Power producers. In a concept, due to geopolitical weight that is able to provide vital needs of political actors (For example Country). Chabahar port due to high weight geopolitical in terms of influence is such a place. India as a major regional power and New World Power The intention location potential of Chabahar The balance (power and interests) of use its. The main hypothesis seeks to answer the question, The desirable balance India through the of Chabahar port How and with what is goals? It is hypothesized- India balancing is two goals through Chabahar port; the balance of interests with Iran, that is type of interdependence of interests. The balance of power with Pakistan and China, that is type Compete and sometimes conflict; of the next- Primarily, Chabahar is an entry for the Exit of India from tightening siege in South Asia by China and Pakistan. In the next, route to Iran (Chabahar) is a strategic path, Safe and affordable; Appropriate is route to India, For Entry to Afghanistan (despite hostility with Pakistan), Central Asia and the Caspian Basin countries is. In entering India via Iran, In these areas, Goals such as: Economic needs (Energy and Commerce), security (fight against terrorism) and political (balance and compete with China and Pakistan) There is.


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