The reflection of a rentier economy on the spatial organization of metropolitan urban planning with an emphasis on human-centered approach (Case Study: Region 1 Tehran)

Document Type : علمی -پژوهشی


1 Shahid Beheshti University

2 The faculty member of Shahid Beheshti University



Rent as an economic reforms are said to be earnings Achieved without the efforts of manual and intellectual. Countries have economic rent, Production actually rent space in the framework of Its economy is derived from And the destruction of the bourgeois pressure due to real space And dual spaces And such wealth destruction seen with the wrong location. The relationship between power and economy make space jaw And Urban Development, to power the instruments. The floors need to market their upstart and space to produce and reproduce the speculation. In this study, interviews with experts and specialists in Delphi, The impact and the effectiveness of sub-criteria for Dematel model is used. In this study, the To examine the effects of a rentier economy and speculative in space, Optimal model based on principles of human-centered urban planning To achieve sustainable cities. Type of application and the method used, is analytic. To collect data from field studies And the library is used. The findings suggest Among economic criteria, Increased revenue from retail density with the highest weight factor And direct effect in the first place And so on in social criteria component of social ghettoization, In the politico-administrative criteria Political economy of rent component, Increasing construction activity and investment in physical criteria civilian component And finally the environmental standards Mvlghh User destruction and gardens are green.


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