Vulnerability mapping of Tehran metropolitan area using a hybrid model FUZZY_AHP

Document Type : علمی -پژوهشی


1 M.Sc in Geomorphology, Faculty of Earth Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University

2 M.Sc in Geography and Urban Planning, Municipality of Izadshar



Modern metropolis, in different parts of the world for various reasons are always prone to damage. from natural hazards, The human and financial losses due to high population density and associated facilities. This is a challenge for the planners will have in terms of urban hazards. The use of GIS in urban planning, vulnerability mapping and location convenient for city provides Mlgrdhay.
The research method was based on analytical method and library studies and field and using GIS, The combination of GIS and models (FUZZY_AHP) and Export Choice to mapping software vulnerabilities in a metropolitan area in Tehran. Golabdareh , Darband and Tajrish neighborhoods encompasses more.
While the area along the watercourse located north Tehran, Most of its area is covered residential-office So that lands associated with urban constructions in the region and Due to lower permeability greater role in the production of flood runoff and thus have, The most unstable area of the tissue area with a high population density and density of the buildings is covered, including the Located on track faults in this area is that in general, despite the rivers of north Tehran Tehran Region 1, North Tehran faults due to steep slopes and sharp changes in topography, tectonic activity, Faulting, abundant rainfall and surface water, cold weather and winter frosts and high density buildings, the risk of different types of landslides, floods and earthquakes is really remarkable.


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