Study of the potential of permeability of faults as a canal for transport of the environmental pollutants, by geophysical methods

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Earth Sciences, Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran


Importance of pollution and adverse consequences on ecosystems and people's lives, the study of quantitative and qualitative changes in water, soil and rock resources and discovering its causes is crucial to provide preventive solutions. Numerous factors affect the pollution of water and soil resources, in this regard, the role of faults as a route and channel for the transmission of pollution is important and less attention has been paid. In this study, while examining the mentioned factors, in particular, the role of faults as a conduit for pollution transfer is considered. In this regard, the environmental geology of Shahid Shakouri mine in East Ahar (North West Iran) will be studied as a case study.
Materials and Methods
In this study, by collecting geological and tectonic data of the region, fault zones are explored by geophysical studies to evaluate the transferability of faults. Preparation of geophysical Iso-maps and sections and then preparation and processing of maps and Pseudo-sections make it possible to identify areas with fluid storage potential and investigate permeable and capable of transferring fluids in comparison with the results of remote sensing analyzes. In summary, the study process is as follows: first, the preparation of information layers, including hydrographic network, tectonic elements, lines, etc., using topographic maps, geology, aerial photography and satellite image processing have done. The information layers are then analyzed. As a result, the relationship between lineation, tectonic and non-tectonic elements, hydrographic network and topographic slope with water resources in the study area has been investigated to identify more crushed fault zones with fluid transfer potential. The following steps have been followed in geophysical explorations: 1. Identification of faults in the field and study of their field characteristics 2. Design of geophysical experiments based on information obtained from a combination of different methods 3. Execution of geophysical soundings and execution of control soundings 4. Preparation of VES sections and then preparation of pseudo-geoelectric sections and use of the obtained data 5. Investigation of joints and faults 6. Study the results and analyze and identify the permeability of faults and their analysis.
Results and Discussion
The result of remote sensing studies with satellite data and images, it help to possible identifying faults and in cases where the mentioned faults in the hard formation are composed of thick and permeable fragmented fault zones. In fact, erosion performance along the many faults in the region has formed a network of valleys and waterways that play the role of surface discharge and have no penetration depth and are not a continuous fracture network. Comparison of sections for different transmitter lengths showed that in the northern and middle parts of the study area, the resistivity are mostly very low and less than 30 ohm meters, and the comparison of these resistivity with similar values ​​in different geoelectric soundage locations also indicates that the mentioned resistivity in the study area are related to weathered rocks to clay. Due to the existence of these clay units, there is an equivalence phenomenon in the study area. Clay has little or no permeability. Also, the faults of these sections are mainly caused by the crushed zone of clay and impermeable units, and their fault cores also have such characteristics. Examination of the results of underground excavations has shown that in other sections, the study area is composed of impermeable or very low permeable igneous units and most of the many faults in the area (except for a few cases whose results are mentioned) are impermeable fault zones or they have very low permeability. In the southeastern, western and southern parts of the study area, the resistivity are higher and reach 60 to 80 ohm meters. Are related to impermeablity, which are widely available in the study area.
Conclusions Examination and comparison of apparent specific resistivity maps show that there are faults with fluid transmittance potential in the northeastern part of Zaylik village and the northwestern part (outside the company registration area - location of sounding 7) in the region. For more accurate tracing of boundaries with such potentials, quasi-cross-sectional cross-sections and apparent specific resistivity cross-sections have been compared. Thus, the faults with the transmittance potential explored in the range of 7 and 16 soundings are related to some alluvial sections as well as fault zones that have locally caused fragmentation and increased permeability and the formation of fault aquifers in these areas. Finally, according to the obtained permeability properties, the position of the mentioned catheterization has been introduced as cases that have a risk of contamination transmission.


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