Volcanic rocks of upper Eocene age with tephritic to phono-tephritic composition are widespread in the Bozghush Mountains, NW of Iran.These volcanic rocks are occur both as lava flowd above a megaporphyritic andesite (middle Eocene age?) as well as small lenses within the volcaniclastic rocks. The rocks are porphyritic in texture and consist of phenocrysts of pyroxene, plagioclase, alkali feldspar, analcime, olivin, apatite and minor leucite in a fine-grained and glassy matrix. The analcime in these rocks occurs as an isotropic mineral 0.5 mm to 1 cm in diameter. Enrichment of the studied rocks in Sr, the absence of hydrous primary igneous minerals such as amphibole or biotite, lack of Na-pyroxene, the homogenous nature of the analcime and irregular cracks in the analcime indicate that the analcime crystals in volcanic rocks of the Bozghush Mountains formed by ion-exchange pseudomorphous replacement of primary leucite either during cooling and crystallization, or shortly afterwards.
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(2015). On the occurrence of analcime in the tephritic rocks in the Bozghush Mountains, north of Miyaneh, northwest of Iran. Researches in Earth Sciences, 6(2), 16-30.
. "On the occurrence of analcime in the tephritic rocks in the Bozghush Mountains, north of Miyaneh, northwest of Iran", Researches in Earth Sciences, 6, 2, 2015, 16-30.
(2015). 'On the occurrence of analcime in the tephritic rocks in the Bozghush Mountains, north of Miyaneh, northwest of Iran', Researches in Earth Sciences, 6(2), pp. 16-30.
, "On the occurrence of analcime in the tephritic rocks in the Bozghush Mountains, north of Miyaneh, northwest of Iran," Researches in Earth Sciences, 6 2 (2015): 16-30,
On the occurrence of analcime in the tephritic rocks in the Bozghush Mountains, north of Miyaneh, northwest of Iran. Researches in Earth Sciences, 2015; 6(2): 16-30.