In many countries, the government purposefully act to support the public by granting direct and indirect subsidies to tourism industry in ordrt to Juice up it and it’s related activities or even for getting it out of the crisis.In the other words the benefits of subsidy in addition to the economic and social sectors allocate to tourism and ecotourism and lead to further development of local stakeholders and local tourism as well as development of rural settlements.
This is an issue that deserves attention in our country there after subsidy cuts and has caused a part of the recession, damage to the tourism industry and residents, stakeholders and suppliers of these activities, both at the local level and at national level, in most tourist areas of the country, especially rural settlements.This research is conducted using descriptive-analytic method to study the consequences of organizing subsidies in empowerment of tourism stakeholders and development of rural settlements in the area of study. To explain and to determine the relationships between the effevtive and Impressionable componens the einferential statistical methods like Pearson correlation coefficients and multiple regression were used.The results indicate that cash subsidy has significant impact on the development and empowerment of local stakeholders of tourism in some dimensions.
Among the impact factors of variables on the development of rural settlements in connection with tourism, characteristics of self-reliance variable with 0.507 impact factor has the most effective impact on empowerment of local stakeholders and consequently the development of rural settlements. After that variable, the variables of trust and confidence with 0.453, responsibility and sense of place with 0.346 and Participation and decision-making with 0.054 impact factor, impact on the empowerment of local stakeholders and the rural settlements development as well as the tourism destination of area of study.
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(2017). The consequences of Targeted subsidies in empowering tourism local stakeholders and rural settlements development of Goldasht area county of Boroujerd. Researches in Earth Sciences, 8(4), 132-146.
. "The consequences of Targeted subsidies in empowering tourism local stakeholders and rural settlements development of Goldasht area county of Boroujerd", Researches in Earth Sciences, 8, 4, 2017, 132-146.
(2017). 'The consequences of Targeted subsidies in empowering tourism local stakeholders and rural settlements development of Goldasht area county of Boroujerd', Researches in Earth Sciences, 8(4), pp. 132-146.
, "The consequences of Targeted subsidies in empowering tourism local stakeholders and rural settlements development of Goldasht area county of Boroujerd," Researches in Earth Sciences, 8 4 (2017): 132-146,
The consequences of Targeted subsidies in empowering tourism local stakeholders and rural settlements development of Goldasht area county of Boroujerd. Researches in Earth Sciences, 2017; 8(4): 132-146.