Associate Professor, Department of Geology, Faculty of Sciences and Earthquake Research Center, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman
During one year, the Bardsir earthquake (2010/07/31, MS=5.8), the Kahnooj earthquake (2011/06/15, MS=5.7) and the Sirch earthquake (2011/06/26, MS=5.2) have occurred in Kerman province (one of seismologically active area in eastern Iran). The earthquakes have been relocated and processed using local and regional recorded seismograms. Mechanism of the earthquakes were calculated using the first P motion method. Processing both locations and focal mechanisms indicate that these earthquakes are probably related to the Lalehzar, Sabzevaran and Golbaf fault systems, respectively. Bardsir and Sirch earthquake faults dip northeastward and Kahnooj earthquake fault dips eastward, indicating that both source faults dip steeply. Mechanisms of the earthquakes were right lateral strike slip, reverse with right lateral strike slip component and reverse mechanism, respectively. Finally, this research is in accordance to the field investigations, in which the maximum intensity in MM and JMA scales was estimated ~VI near epicentral area and no co-seismic surface rupture were detected for these earthquakes.
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Nemati, M. (2019). Seismic investigation of 2010 Bardsir and 2011 Sirch and Kahnooj moderate earthquakes in Kerman province. Researches in Earth Sciences, 9(4), 33-48. doi: 10.29252/esrj.9.4.33
Nemati, M. . "Seismic investigation of 2010 Bardsir and 2011 Sirch and Kahnooj moderate earthquakes in Kerman province", Researches in Earth Sciences, 9, 4, 2019, 33-48. doi: 10.29252/esrj.9.4.33
Nemati, M. (2019). 'Seismic investigation of 2010 Bardsir and 2011 Sirch and Kahnooj moderate earthquakes in Kerman province', Researches in Earth Sciences, 9(4), pp. 33-48. doi: 10.29252/esrj.9.4.33
M. Nemati, "Seismic investigation of 2010 Bardsir and 2011 Sirch and Kahnooj moderate earthquakes in Kerman province," Researches in Earth Sciences, 9 4 (2019): 33-48, doi: 10.29252/esrj.9.4.33
Nemati, M. Seismic investigation of 2010 Bardsir and 2011 Sirch and Kahnooj moderate earthquakes in Kerman province. Researches in Earth Sciences, 2019; 9(4): 33-48. doi: 10.29252/esrj.9.4.33