Soil erosion is a geomorphic process that can increase soil losses and affect the dynamics of soil biological diversity. Soil biological diversity can considers as an indicator for assessing adaptation rate of arid ecosystems against environmental changes. This study evaluates variations in soil microbial diversity and physiochemical properties in erosional landscapes. Since, arid and semi-arid ecosystems have a critical role in flux of carbon dioxide to atmosphere; many erosional landforms belonging to these ecosystems can occur a condition for sequestrating carbon and subsequently positive impacts for increasing resilience level against environmental harshness. One of the common landforms in arid landscapes is alluvial fan. Soil samples were collected from different topographic positions of the three alluvial fans for measuring enzyme activities, particle size distribution, soil water, soil microbial activity, and soil organic carbon. The findings showed that different positions exhibit different conditions in terms of carbon mineralization and sequestration causing the heterogeneous dynamics of soil biological properties.
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mohseni, N. (2019). Impact of water erosion on soil biological diversity in arid ecosystems. Researches in Earth Sciences, 10(2), 21-33. doi: 10.52547/esrj.10.2.21
mohseni, N. . "Impact of water erosion on soil biological diversity in arid ecosystems", Researches in Earth Sciences, 10, 2, 2019, 21-33. doi: 10.52547/esrj.10.2.21
mohseni, N. (2019). 'Impact of water erosion on soil biological diversity in arid ecosystems', Researches in Earth Sciences, 10(2), pp. 21-33. doi: 10.52547/esrj.10.2.21
N. mohseni, "Impact of water erosion on soil biological diversity in arid ecosystems," Researches in Earth Sciences, 10 2 (2019): 21-33, doi: 10.52547/esrj.10.2.21
mohseni, N. Impact of water erosion on soil biological diversity in arid ecosystems. Researches in Earth Sciences, 2019; 10(2): 21-33. doi: 10.52547/esrj.10.2.21