Evaluation of urban neighborhoods identity with measuring the sense of belonging to place (Case study: ChaieBouei, GonbadKavoos city)

Document Type : مروری


1 Professor, Faculty of Earth Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University

2 - M.Sc in Geography and Urban planning, Mazandaran University


Urban neighbourhoods with their special physical, economic and social structures are defined as distinctive areas within cities. They can create the sense of place for residents and strengthen the identity of city and its quarter‌es. This research aims to analyse the sense of place among “Chaie Bouei “Gonbad Kavoos city with a discriptive – analytical method. 384 questionnairs were filled and responses were analysed with SPSS software. The findings of study, besides showing cohesive elements in the neighbourhood, indicate a strong sense of belonging to place among Chaie Bouei residents resulting in development of neighbourhood and identity among people.


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