Typology of evolutionary paths of polycentric urban region of Central Mazandaran

Document Type : علمی -پژوهشی


The definition of the concept and planning of polycentric urban regions is still one of the vaguest one, in spite of the two decades of the global attempts. Theoretical literature refers parts of this ambiguity to the evolutionary process of the polycentric metropolitan areas in the various regions of the world. In other words, based on their nature and identity, polycentric urban regions like any other phenomena show unique behavior encountering process, trends and issues. Thus, comprehension of this process and evolutionary paths can help planners understand the morphology of poly-centricity, its relations and governance interactions. Accordingly, this study seeks to understand that of which evolutionary paths the polycentric urban region of central Mazandaran follows and in which phases of development it stands. For this purpose, by employing the Champion’s alternative paths for the evolution of polycentric urban regions (2001) and measuring the morphological and functional dimensions of the Central Mazandaran over 30 years, it has become disclosed that despite of the assumptions of network- poly-centricity pattern of Central Mazandaran, the study area consists of four functional urban regions that define the main share of regional trips within their city. Thus, this urban region is determined as a fusion mode of polycentric urban development between the second and third phases in account of dominant centrality absence and the multiplicity and proximity of centers


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