
Document Type : علمی -پژوهشی


In this research, biostratigraphy of the Pabdeh Formation in North Ilam was studied. The study of calcareous nannofossil led to recognition of 77 species and 28 genera. According to the first occurrence of index species and distribution fossil assemblages, zones (Heliolithus kleinpellii Zone, Discoaster mohleri Zone, Heliolithus riedelii Zone, Discoaster multiradiatus Zone, Tribrachiatus contortus Zone, Discoaster binodosus Zone, Tribrachiatus orthostylus Zone, Discoaster lodoensis Zone, Discoaster sublodoensis Zone, Nannotetrina fulgens Zone, Discoaster tani nodifer Zone, Discoaster saipanensis Zone, Chiasmolithus oamaruensis Zone, Isthmolithus recurvus Zone, Sphenolithus pseudoradians Zone, Ericsonia subdisticha Zone, Helicosphaera reticulata Zone, Sphenolithus predistentus Zone, Sphenolithus distentus Zone) of Martini (1971) equivalent to bio zones (CP5- CP19) of Okada and Bukry (1980) at Reno section were identified. As a result of this study and based on the obtained bio zones, age of the Pabdeh Formation in North of Ilam, is Late Paleocene (Thanetian) to Early Oligocene (Rupelian).


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