Economic development strategies of war tourism (case study: Qasr Shirin District, Kermanshah Province)

Document Type : علمی -پژوهشی


1 Ph.D. student in Spatial Planning of Entrepreneurship in Rural Areas, School of Earth Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University

2 Associate Professor, School of Earth Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University


Today, tourism is considered as one of the most sustainable economic resources of different regions,; the Qasarshirin district in Kermanshah province is a suitable place for the development of war tourism which results in economic prosperity and job creation. This descriptive-analytical study of the area seeks to introduce tourism as a potential opportunity for economic development in Qasr-e-Shirin region, and to gather information to prove it through library and field research. The data was analyzed using 311 questionnaires in three groups (residents, managers, tourists). The SWOT strategy was used. The results show that the collection of internal environment (strength, weakness) is 3.2 and the set of environmental points (opportunity and threat) is 2.1 which consist of conservative strategy (ST). Therefore, according to SWOT table, strategies including the use of local forces for employment and activities in the opportunities created, recognizing the threats of this type of tourism and trying to eliminate it, creating museums and exhibitions of this kind of tourism, training local community , attracting private sector investment, creating a supportive package in the form of this type of tourism, determining target areas for this type of tourism in neighboring countries, and strengthening the social and collective participation and development of productions related is necessary for the development of war tourism.
