Guide for Authors
• The Journal is published every 3 months and accepts scientific papers in the fields of geology and geography.
• The resultant paper must be derived from scientific research and scholarship; it shouldn’t have been previously published in any journal or seminar papers or congress.
• Each research paper manuscript must include a title, an extended Persian abstract (at least 450 words and a maximum of 800 words), keywords (a maximum of 5 in alphabetical order), Introduction, material and methods (area of study and method), results, discussion and conclusion, appendices, English written references, an extended English abstract and English keywords.
Style Guide and Layout
• The manuscript must be typed on A4 size paper with 1cm line spacing and 3cm of margins. The Persian font B Nazanin size 13 must be used for body text and bold B Nazanin size13 for titles. Times New Roman size 11 must be used for English in-text citations, the Persian text, terminologies and technical terms, references and the extended English abstract. All of the manuscript must be in MS Word and submitted to the journal management system through the the journal online submission system.
• The maximum page number of the paper including figures and charts must not exceed 18 pages.
• The authors’ information must be written as: Department, Faculty, University, City, Country. E.g. Geology Department, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.•
Extended English Abstract
The extended English abstract must be congruent with the Persian extended abstract and include title, Introduction, materials and methods, Results, discussion, conclusion and keywords in its structure.
• Table titles must be inserted above them and for figures, the titles must be placed beneath them. The Persian font B Nazanin size 12 must be used in both cases.
E.g. Fig1: Location of the studied region.
• Only WordArt must be used in all graphs and figures. All microscopic images must include scaling and be placed beneath the photos.
• In-text citation must be as follows: e.g. (Montgomery,1997) for English references. For references with 2 authors it must be as follows: e.g. (Lintell and Appleyard, 1972) for English references. For references with more than 2 authors it must be as: e.g. (Timperio et al, 2004) for English references.
• Accurate and eloquent Persian equivalents of foreign terminology must be produced, these Persian equivalents and complete forms of abbreviations must be available in endnotes of the paper
• The reference list must be in alphabetical order as: Book: Flügel, E., 2004. Microfacies Analysis of Carbonate Rocks: Interpretation and Application: Springer – Verlag, Berlin, 976 p. Article: James, N.P. and Bone, Y., 1992. Synsedimentary cemented calcarenite layers in Oligo- Miocene cool- water shelf limestones, Eucla Platform, South Australia: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 62, p. 860-872.
• The Journal doesn’t publish review papers or translations
• Upon the use of theses or dissertations, mentioning the major title and university name in citation is mandatory.
• Using an academic email shall be a priority for authors.
• Acknowledgements must be based on scientific contribution and placed before the table of contents.
• Submission of a paper implies that the responsibility of scientific and legal accuracy and originality is lies upon the author(s). The authors are committed to refrain from
submitting the paper to other journals prior to receiving peer review results. Please do not submit the paper simultaneously to several journals.