Designing and analysis about annalo-graph of floods over Qom city during recent millenary

Document Type : Original Article





In Central Iran, cities such Qom are vulnerable to flood risk and it is essential to study their floods from far away. In this research, the historical (qualitative) and official (quantitative) data of Qomrood floods were provided for the recent millenary. Based on two measured criteria including “determine daily discharge per month” and “the choice of the highest daily discharge per year of total discharges”, 258 floods, and then 66 marked ones were extracted, respectively. The first results indicate the highest seasonal and monthly frequencies of flooding were in spring, April, and May respectively. The designed annualo-graph was our subject and it was the main result. Annualo-graph shows the ratio of flood volume changes is high. This ratio can restore the previous hazards of large floods with high frequency in the future by continuing the entry of increasing sediments into the reservoir and reducing its effective capacity. Also, results indicate a general reduction in flood concentration time in Qom from 3 days to 1 day since the dam catchment of the dam of Panzde-Khordad. It means the reduction of the available time of warning. The most important necessity for securing floods is awareness of the long-term behavior of the river using official and historical data. Gaining this knowledge in one millenary period for Qomrood challenges the intrepid plans of manipulating the riverbed on the side of the foothill, i.e. in the center of Qom and opposite the holy shrine and instead, he recommends watershed in the upstream slopes.


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